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Upcoming Kitchens of The Akshaya Patra Foundation

upcoming kitchens1

Akshaya Patra has always strived to provide the much-needed school meals to children in a sustainable way while expanding its base to newer locations. Over the years, it gradually increased its beneficiary base by starting kitchens across different locations of the country. In the near future, it plans to add around 20 more kitchens so that more children can be benefitted with the goodness of mid-day meals.

“No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.” With this vision, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO in India has been providing nutritious school lunch to children since 2000. Initially, the NGO served food to only 1,500 children in five Government schools in Bengaluru. Soon it comprehended the dire need of food to support education of children and thus began expanding its reach to newer locations. Today, the Foundation provides daily school meals to 17,62,133 children studying in 14,702 Government schools and Government-aided schools in 40 locations of 12 states.

Akshaya Patra has been recognised as the world’s largest NGO-run school meal programme. So that more and more children can be benefitted, the Foundation employs two models of kitchen: centralised kitchens and decentralised kitchens. The centralised kitchen format can be seen mainly seen in urban and semi-urban areas, and are large cooking units with the capacity to prepare one lakh meals per day. The decentralised kitchens are established to provide meals in remote areas. Irrespective of the kitchen type, Akshaya Patra ensures that children receive hygienic and safe food each time, by following several measures during each stage of production – pre-production, production, and post production. Some of the measures are as follows:

Akshaya PatraThe Foundation has set itself the mission, ‘To feed five million children by 2025.’ Thus, to achieve it, this NGO in India is continuously and sustainably progressing and expanding its operational base. Soon, there will 23 more kitchens in addition to the existing 40 kitchens. Below is a quick view of the locations where Akshaya Patra will establish its next kitchens:Akshaya Patra kitchen Each Akshaya Patra kitchen is a storehouse of nutrition and hope. The meals cooked here positively impacts the health of children while supporting their education too. Support Akshaya Patra to continue providing ‘unlimited food for education’ so that each and every child in the country are healthy and educated.

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Humans of Akshaya Patra – Vrindavan Kitchen

Humans of Akshaya Patra

When most of us are fast asleep in the wee hours of the morning, there are few places bustling with energy. Each day at the strike of 4 a.m., different groups of people at different locations prepped up with safety and hygiene gears enter into huge kitchen infrastructures. Why? To prepare ‘meals of hope’ for children studying in government schools! And, so we call them the ‘Humans of Akshaya Patra.’

Meet some of our passionate members from Vrindavan kitchen in Uttar Pradesh for whom the only aim is to benefit more and more children with freshly cooked, nutritious, and hygienic meals on every school day.

Humans of Akshaya Patra

Dharampal Singh, Kitchen Supervisor – Production Department

Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I am working in Akshaya Patra since 30 June 2009.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?

I always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. And, I knew Akshaya Patra would give me that opportunity. Hence, I chose to join Akshaya Patra.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Until I joined Akshaya Patra, I did not find peace and satisfaction in my job. But now life has changed totally and I feel blessed to be here in Vrindavan.

As a Kitchen Supervisor, what does your work encompass?
As a Kitchen Supervisor, my work encompasses taking case of the entire kitchen process and managing staff members. I ensure all kitchen staff mandatorily adhere to the personal hygiene standards and brief them on their respective responsibilities. I check the recipe summary sheet, raw material quality, monitor the cooking process, and taste food samples before delivery. I ensure that we always meet the ISO standards in our production process.

Why is it important that kitchen processes are in order and meals are cooked in a hygienic way?
Hygiene is an important factor, more so, when food is being cooked for school-going children. This food affects their personal growth and career development. Children are the future of our country, and we always keep their health and safety in mind while cooking food for them.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?
My life has changed for the better after joining Akshaya Patra. It feels like a family as if all the employees here are threaded together with the idea of providing the best quality food to children punctually on every school day.
What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?

It’s a great environment to work here. Sometimes it gets hectic, but when the food gets prepared and distributed to children I feel so proud. Each day ends with the satisfaction that I was able to serve the children. I want to continuing working for children through Akshaya Patra, for the rest of my life.

Humans of Akshaya Patra

Tulsiram, Driver

Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since last 9 years.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?

Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, I faced lot of difficult conditions and life wasn’t really great.

Describe your typical day as a driver.

The days for me are quite difficult and hectic as a driver because the roads connecting the schools are not good. The schools are very far from Akshaya Patra kitchen. But, we make to reach on time and deliver the nutritious meals to school children. Despite the hurdles faced, it fills me with a sense of positivity that I was able to deliver the meals to children.

Any specific problem you face while on your way to deliver meals.

Mostly during rainy season, the roads get damaged. And, this poses a big challenge for us when we are out for delivering meals.

Why is it important that food reaches children on time?

Food is essential for mental and physical development of children. It is also vital in helping children to pay attention in class. Hence, I feel it is very important that children receive their lunch on time. It will improve their learning thereby benefiting them and the country also.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?

After joining Akshaya Patra I have seen a remarkable change in my life. And, most important of all, now

I know the value of time!

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?

Alongside improving my life and routine, Akshaya Patra’s job gives me a sense of peace, satisfaction, and pride.

Well, behind every great show, there are behind-the-scenes contributors. And, at Akshaya Patra, those contributors are our very own kitchen staff. Watch out this space to meet our passionate members from across all locations of Akshaya Patra.

We would love to hear from you, so please use the below comment section to share your thoughts and feedback.


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My connect with Akshaya Patra


As a student, I can completely empathise with the little children who suffer from classroom hunger. Even after being from a privileged background, I have felt the hunger pangs many a times in classroom, mostly because either I would have skipped breakfast or lunch. But, what about those little children who suffer from classroom hunger not by choice, but due to circumstance? I have experienced and believe that when a child is deprived of food, when the child constantly feels the hunger pangs, he can neither concentrate in classroom activities nor give his best.

And, this is where I found my connect with The Akshaya Patra Foundation. My thought is in much alignment with the vision statement of the Foundation, “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger”. This noble thought by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada instantly provoked me to choose Akshaya Patra as the organisation for my internship.

My time in Akshaya Patra

I was interning with the Corporate Partnership Department and my mentor was Mr Balakumar Rajaram. He constantly guided me and supported me in all aspects throughout the internship period. A typical day at Akshaya Patra always began with a cup of tea or coffee. This was followed by reviewing the progress made on an on-going project, and discussions on what new projects or ideas can we work on.

I will forever cherish my days at Akshaya Patra, especially the people and the sumptuous lunch I used to relish every day. Every member at Akshaya Patra were so welcoming that I never felt like an intern. And, I really don’t think I have ever had such a variety of nutritious meals anywhere else till date.

Most memorable moment

If I were to pick one memorable moment in Akshaya Patra, it would be my visit to the H.K. Hill kitchen. It was my first field visit as an intern in the organisation and I was much delighted to see the cleanliness, the machines, the standard and strict process maintained during cooking, and the quality of the meals. My sincere gratitude to Mr Balakumar for including this visit in my internship and for sparing his precious time to accompany me.

Akshaya Patra – A Great Place to Work

Akshaya Patra is one of the most reliable NGOs in India. The Foundation is constantly working towards eradicating classroom hunger, and this is in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: Zero Hunger and Quality Education. I feel this is a reason enough to recognise this organisation as a “Great Place to Work”.

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Our Enthusiastic Intern Tells Us Why We Are A Great Place To Work – Part 8

Akshaya Patra Intern

The Akshaya Patra Foundation was recently certified as a Great Place to Work by Great Place to Work® Institute. Apart from employees, our interns play a major role in making the place what it is. Raj Vardhan, a student from Jindal Global Law School, Bengaluru shares his experience of interning with Akshaya Patra.

Q. Why did you choose this organisation?
A. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a very reputed non-profit organisation which is known not only in the city but across the whole country. I thought it would be a new challenge and a new experience from which I can learn and benefit.

Q. How was your typical day like?
A. Every day was a new challenge for me. As a part of my job, I had to establish relationships with various corporates in the city and organise as many meetings and leads with them. This would cover most part of my day, and at other times I would research about CSR activities of different corporates and potential donors.

Q. What were the challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
A. Since I had already done an internship at Akshaya Patra before, the environment and my job here was familiar, hence, I did not face any problem or difficulty. Even if I did face any problem in my work, my mentor, Mr. Balakumar, was always there to help me.

Q. Any memorable moment you had at Akshaya Patra? What did you like the most about interning here?
A. I might sound cheesy, but, my whole time at this wonderful organisation was a memorable one. I truly enjoyed interning at Akshaya Patra as everyone working here are extremely warm and kind. I got the opportunity to attend one of the meetings with a corporate which was a totally new experience for me, and I would consider this opportunity as one of the best things about the internship. Also, Akshaya Patra taught me many values that would certainly be helpful for me in the long run.

Q. Why do you think Akshaya Patra is a ‘Great Place to Work’?
A. The cause and the work environment at Akshaya Patra is extremely positive. The people of Akshaya Patra are very kind-hearted and are always willing to help each other. The impact this Foundation has on the lives of millions of children across the country is incredible and according to me that’s why it’s such a great place to work at.

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7

To apply for internship with The Akshaya Patra Foundation, you can contact us on

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Our Enthusiastic Intern Tells Us Why We Are A Great Place To Work – Part 7

Abhishek – Intern at Akshaya Patra

The Akshaya Patra Foundation was recently certified as a Great Place to Work by Great Place to Work® Institute. Apart from employees, our interns play a major role in making the place what it is. V.S.M. Rama Abhishek T., a student from IMT College, Hyderabad shares his experience of interning with Akshaya Patra.

Q. Why did you choose this organisation?
A. As a part of my MBA curriculum, I had read about the case study on The Akshaya Patra Foundation by Harvard Business School. Following this, I did some research about the organisation and got to know more about the humongous task it has undertaken to serve wholesome food to millions of school children. It is not an easy task to provide hygienic and nutritious meals to so many children across several locations on each school day. I have always been interested in charity services and after knowing about the service of Akshaya Patra I had made up mind that given a chance I will definitely work for this organisation. Luckily, I got a chance to apply as an intern and was selected to be a part of the Corporate Partnerships Department.

Q. How was your typical day like?
A. At Akshaya Patra, every day I learnt something new and interesting. I reported to my mentor Balakumar Rajaram and we discussed so many things which improved my knowledge. I enjoyed doing the work that was assigned to me. Besides this, the employees of the organisation were very friendly and I got a chance to interact with quite a few of them during tea breaks and lunch breaks. I must say lunch was the best part of my day… I savoured the tastiest and the best meal throughout my internship!

Q. What were the challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
A. I faced some challenges in with respect to the research bit of my work. But, my mentor Balakumar Rajaram guided me and helped me to improve my skills in it. I am very thankful to my mentor for guiding me and supporting me at all times.

Q. Any memorable moment you had at Akshaya Patra? What did you like the most about interning here?
A. I have multiple memorable moments to mention. I worked for one of the biggest events of the Foundation – ‘Giving Every Dream A Chance’. The event was wonderful and showcased the talents of the Foundation’s beneficiaries. The event was graced by well-known celebrities and some of the big donors of the Foundation. During the internship tenure, I had visited one of the beneficiary schools of Akshaya Patra and witnessed the way children enjoyed and relished their school meals. The students admitted that the Akshaya Patra meals take care of their lunch and it also upholds their hopes. Another moment was my last day of internship when my mentor and my team greatly appreciated my work.
I really liked the work here and learnt a lot. The guidance from the mentor and the colleagues was amazing. My mentor was always helpful and gave valuable inputs that improved my knowledge and skill. I liked the work culture and friendly environment.

Q. Why do you think Akshaya Patra is a ‘Great Place to Work’?
A. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a large non-profit organisation providing meals to millions of school children. The organisation is selflessly serving the children who are the future of our nation. So, the work of anyone associated with this organisation is not just a mere job, rather each one is involved in building the path for a developed nation. Besides, the work culture in Akshaya Patra is very nice and you can enjoy while working. Here, employees work with interest and commitment, not with pressure.

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To apply for internship with The Akshaya Patra Foundation, you can contact us on

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Humans of Akshaya Patra – Jaipur Kitchen

Humans of Akshaya Patra

When most of us are fast asleep in the wee hours of the morning, there are few places bustling with energy. Each day at the strike of 4 a.m., different groups of people at different locations prepped up with safety and hygiene gears enter into huge kitchen infrastructures. Why? To prepare ‘meals of hope’ for children studying in government schools! And, so we call them the ‘Humans of Akshaya Patra.’

Meet some of our passionate members from Jaipur kitchen in Rajasthan for whom the only aim is to benefit more and more children with freshly cooked, nutritious, and hygienic meals on every school day.

Mukesh Chopdar, Pre-processing Helper (Production Department)


Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since November 2009.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?
I chose to join Akshaya Patra because it was an opportunity for me to work for a good cause.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, I was leading an ordinary life with no real goal.

Describe your typical day as a pre-processing helper.
As a Pre-processing Helper, I am responsible for all the washing, cleaning, and cutting of vegetables along with ensuring that all the cutting equipment are properly cleaned and sanitised before and after use.

Why do you think thorough cleaning of raw materials is an important aspect of cooking meals?
Raw materials, be it grains or vegetables are generally not clean and hygienic when procured from the market. So, it is very important to ensure that all raw materials are cleaned thoroughly before being cooked. Since, we provide meals to children, it is our duty to make sure that the food we serve them is absolutely clean and hygienic. And, hygiene begins right from the pre-processing stage.

How has your experience been so far?
So far, my journey with Akshaya Patra has been good.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
At the end of the day, I feel mentally satisfied that through Akshaya Patra I am able to provide food to so many children. This food is helping children with their education something that every parent wishes for their children.

Om Prakash Sharma, Route Supervisor


Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since November 2011.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, my life was good, but I must admit that life has become much better after joining the organisation.

What does your work encompass?
As a Route Supervisor, I have to check the vehicle condition as per the standard checklist, accompany the driver and helper in the meal delivery vehicle. I have to keep a record of food delivery time, vessel count, and ERP entry. I am also responsible to collect feedback from schools and inform the kitchen manager on a daily basis. I am the communication link between the school and the kitchen.

Why do you think there should be a constant communication between Akshaya Patra and schools?
Regular communication between Akshaya Patra and schools is necessary to maintain the quality of the programme. A good communication instils trust and confidence between the schools and the kitchen.

How do you address issues put forward to you?
After coming back to the kitchen, we review the feedback provided by schools. This is done on a daily basis under the guidance of the kitchen manager, so that, if any issue has been put forth by a school, it gets addressed in a timely manner.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?
I am in a better position to provide for my family and that gives me a sense of satisfaction. Now, I am a more confident and happy person.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
Akshaya Patra provides various trainings to hone our skills. We get a chance to learn and be aware of many new things related to our profession. This gives me the confidence to carry out my work more efficiently.

Well, behind every great show, there are behind-the-scenes contributors. And, at Akshaya Patra, those contributors are our very own kitchen staff. Watch out this space to meet our passionate members from Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh!

We would love to hear from you, so please use the below comment section to share your thoughts and feedbacks.

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Our Enthusiastic Intern Tells Us Why We Are A Great Place To Work – Part 6

Adrija – Akshaya Patra Intern

The Akshaya Patra Foundation was recently certified as a Great Place to Work by Great Place to Work® Institute. Apart from employees, our interns play a major role in making the place what it is. Adrija Srivastav, a student from IMT College, Hyderabad shares her experience of interning with Akshaya Patra.

Q. Why did you choose this organisation?
A. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a very well-known NGO working for a great cause and has a very dynamic background. I was lucky that Akshaya Patra visited my college with openings for summer internship with a fantastic digital marketing profile. Both the organisation and the work suited my interest and hence I chose Akshaya Patra.

Q. How’s your typical day like?
A. Each day was a new experience in itself. Each day I got to work on something new and by the end of my internship I realised that the things I learnt has been immense and enriching. Besides that, I had my time to chill and relax with my fellow interns during lunch and coffee breaks.

Q. What are the challenges you faced so far? How did you overcome them?
A. I believe I could not have asked for a more fulfilling internship for myself. The journey was incredible, and I did not face any problem in the work whatsoever. I am grateful that I always had my mentor to back me up at each step.

Q. Any memorable moment you had at Akshaya Patra? What did you like the most about interning here?
A. I had one of the best days of my internship when I got to be a part of the event “Giving Every Dream A Chance”. Since this organisation runs for the sole motive of empowering children so it was extremely pleasing to spend a day with those children who are the beneficiaries of Akshaya Patra and see them live their dreams so confidently and gracefully. It was an inspiration in itself.

The best part about my internship was interning under such a super cool mentor. I think it is extremely essential to be mentored by the right person, with good experience and values. I am thankful to my mentor, Vidhur Kumar, for bringing out the best in me all the time.

Q. Why do you think Akshaya Patra is a ‘Great Place to Work’?
A. The most important reason why I think Akshaya Patra is a ‘Great Place to Work’ is the selfless work they are doing for the nation and the world at large. This makes us derive a sense of meaning from the work we do. In addition to that, the work was super interesting with major takeaways and the work environment was safe, comfortable and appealing to work in. Every single person was very welcoming and of course, who wouldn’t love it when you get such healthy and tasty food each day at work!

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

To apply for internship with The Akshaya Patra Foundation, you can contact us on

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Humans of Akshaya Patra – Kandi Kitchen

Humans of Akshaya Patra

When most of us are fast asleep in the wee hours of the morning, there are few places bustling with energy. Each day at the strike of 4 a.m., different groups of people at different locations prepped up with safety and hygiene gears enter into huge kitchen infrastructures. Why? To prepare ‘meals of hope’ for children studying in government schools! And, so we call them the ‘Humans of Akshaya Patra.’

Meet some of our passionate members from Kandi kitchen in Telangana for whom the only aim is to benefit more and more children with freshly cooked, nutritious, and hygienic meals on every school day.

Padamalalita, Pre-processing Helper (Production Department)

Akshaya Patra Kitchen Staff

Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since June 2013.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?
I knew the social cause of Akshaya Patra and chose to join the organisation with the aim to serve the children. It gives me a sense of self-satisfaction to be able to help school-going children by serving them with healthy food.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, I was a housewife.

Describe your typical day as a pre-processing helper.
As a Pre-processing Helper, I am responsible for ensuring that all the cutting equipment are properly cleaned and sanitised before and after use. I wash and cut vegetables and arrange all the ingredients required for the cooking or production process.

Why do you think thorough cleaning of raw materials is an important aspect of cooking meals?
As we provide meals to children, it is our duty to provide them with clean and hygienic food. And, hygiene begins right from the pre-processing stage. Hence, it is very important to ensure that all raw materials are cleaned properly before being cooked.

How has your experience been so far?
My experience of working with Akshaya Patra has been good so far. I feel proud that I am able to provide for my family. Also, now I am more confident about taking care of my children’s education.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
The very name ‘Akshaya Patra’ makes it a special to work. Being a mother, I know the importance of food for growing children. I understand that many families are not able to provide proper food to their children due to many difficulties. But, by working in Akshaya Patra I am in some way able to provide food to so many children and this wouldn’t have been possible if I had worked somewhere else.

S. Sai Kumar, Driver

Akshaya Patra kitchen Staff

Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working here since July 2013.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
I was working as a delivery executive with a water distribution agency.

Describe your typical day as a driver.
Every morning I report to work by 5:30 a.m. After that, I conduct a routine check of my vehicle to ensure it is working well to avoid any kind of vehicle breakdown or delay in delivery of meals. The Supervisors assign duties to each of the drivers and we adhere to it. Once, I am back in the kitchen after delivering meals to schools, I wash and clean my vehicle.

Any specific problem you face while on your way to deliver meals.
Fortunately, until now I have never faced any problem while going to deliver meals.

Why is it important that food reaches children on time?
In my opinion, if children eat food on time, they will be able to concentrate better on their studies. Also, children learn by observing elders. So, if we are punctual in delivering meals to children, children will understand and inculcate the habit of being punctual too.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?
I am happy with my duties and responsibilities in Akshaya Patra. As my working hours and working days are fixed there is no room for an any ad hoc summons and I don’t have to drive around unnecessarily. In addition, Sunday is a mandatory holiday, so I get time to spend with my family too.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
Working with Akshaya Patra is special because at the end of the day I feel satisfied for being involved with a noble cause of helping children by providing nutritious meals and supporting their education.

Well, behind every great show, there are behind-the-scenes contributors. And, at Akshaya Patra, those contributors are our very own kitchen staff. Watch out this space to meet our passionate members from Jaipur, Rajasthan!

We would love to hear from you, so please use the below comment section to share your thoughts and feedbacks.

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Humans of Akshaya Patra – Ahmedabad Kitchen

Humans of Akshaya Patra

When most of us are fast asleep in the wee hours of the morning, there are few places bustling with energy. Each day at the strike of 4 a.m., different groups of people at different locations prepped up with safety and hygiene gears enter into huge kitchen infrastructures. Why? To prepare ‘meals of hope’ for children studying in government schools! And, so we call them the ‘Humans of Akshaya Patra.’

Meet some of our passionate members from Ahmedabad kitchen in Gujarat for whom the only aim is to benefit more and more children with freshly cooked, nutritious, and hygienic meals on every school day.


Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra for the past 9 years.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, I was working in Vimal Limited as a canteen helper.

What does your work encompass?
As a Route Supervisor, I am part of the post-production stage. I have to check the vehicle condition as per the standard checklist, accompany the driver and helper of the meal delivery vehicle, record food delivery time, vessel count, and ERP entry. My work also encompasses visits to allocated schools and interaction with teachers and headmasters.

Why do you think there should be a constant communication between Akshaya Patra and schools?
Regular communication between Akshaya Patra and schools is necessary to maintain the quality of the programme. It acts like an awareness and feedback mechanism, where Akshaya Patra can share hygiene and cleanliness instructions to be followed while serving meals to children at school, and schools can give feedback regarding the quality and quantity of meals.

How do you address issues put forward to you?
Every day we review the feedback provided by schools. This way, if any issue has been put forth by a school, it gets addressed in a timely manner.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?
I am in a better position to provide for my family and that makes me happy.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
Working with Akshaya Patra gives me a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. I feel proud that in some way I am able to help so many children which probably wouldn’t have been possible if I was engaged in some other job.


Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working here for the past 9 years.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?
I wanted to begin my career with a good and long-term job. During the interview, I got to know about Akshaya Patra’s service of providing food to children. I realised that by joining Akshaya Patra I will get an opportunity to work for a good cause. So, I chose to join the NGO and I am glad to have taken the decision.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
I had completed my studies and was looking for a job.

As a kitchen supervisor, what does your work encompass?
As a kitchen supervisor, I ensure all team members work together and complete their respective tasks. I am responsible to maintain records related to production processes, and ensure adherence to ISO standards during the entire production of meals.

Why is it important that kitchen processes are in order and meals are cooked in a hygienic way?
The food we cook is consumed by school children. It directly impacts their health and development. So, it is essential that hygiene and orderliness are maintained in the kitchen during pre-processing, processing, and post-production stages of meal preparation.

How has your life changed after joining Akshaya Patra?
These nine years have made me more responsible. I feel good and satisfied for being able to provide for my family along with being able to improve lives of children in some way.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
Working with Akshaya Patra will always be special because it is my first job. Along with my professional growth, Akshaya Patra gave me an opportunity to grow as an individual. And, what more when every day I get a chance to serve the children of the country!

Well, behind every great show, there are behind-the-scenes contributors. And, at Akshaya Patra, those contributors are our very own kitchen staff. Watch out this space to meet our passionate members from Telangana!

We would love to hear from you, so please use the below comment section to share your thoughts and feedbacks.

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Humans of Akshaya Patra – Guwahati Kitchen

Akshaya Patra Kitchen Employees

When most of us are fast asleep in the wee hours of the morning, there are few places bustling with energy. Each day at the strike of 4 a.m., different groups of people at different locations prepped up with safety and hygiene gears enter into huge kitchen infrastructures. Why? To prepare ‘meals of hope’ for children studying in government schools! And, so we call them the ‘Humans of Akshaya Patra.’

Meet some of our passionate members from Guwahati kitchen in Assam for whom the only aim is to benefit more and more children with freshly cooked, nutritious, and hygienic meals on every school day.


Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since the establishment of its kitchen in Guwahati in January 2010.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?
I was looking for a job and came across the opportunity to work with Akshaya Patra. During the interview, I was initiated to the Foundation’s cause which inspired me to join the organisation.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
Prior to joining Akshaya Patra, I was living in a miserable condition as I was unable to provide for my family due to financial constraints.

Describe your typical day as a cook?
As a cook, my day begins at 3:45 a.m. After completing all the mandatory procedures in the hygiene chart and putting on my protective gears, I begin the cooking process at around 4:45 a.m. and that continues till 8 a.m. After the entire cooking process is over, along with other cooks I take a break for half an hour and then resume work to clean up the cooking area.

What is the most important thing you consider while preparing meals in such large quantity?
I consider cleanliness and hygiene of the cooking area as the most important thing while preparing meals.

How has your experience been so far?
It has been a very nice experience. My days end with a sense of satisfaction that I am cooking meals for children who are the future of our country.

What makes working with Akshaya Patra special?
Personally, Akshaya Patra has a very special place in my life. And, since the Foundation is working towards benefitting and bettering the society, it makes working with Akshaya Patra all the more special.



Since when have you been working in Akshaya Patra?
I have been working in Akshaya Patra since August 2010.

Why did you choose to join Akshaya Patra?
I was in need of a job as I am the breadwinner for my family. I came across Akshaya Patra’s offer and realised that while providing for my family I will also be working for the betterment of children. This motivated me to join Akshaya Patra.

What was life like before you joined Akshaya Patra?
I belong to a very poor family and my income was very low too. This made it difficult to take care of my family.

Describe your typical day as a housekeeping staff?
As a housekeeping staff, I am responsible for the cleanliness of the entire kitchen. I ensure that the entire kitchen premise is clean inclusive of the indoor and outdoor area of the kitchen.

Why do you feel maintaining cleanliness is very important in the kitchen?
I feel maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen is a very important aspect especially when we are preparing meals for thousands of children. Hygiene and cleanliness is a crucial factor for the health and well-being of everyone who is consuming the food prepared in our kitchen.

What does the future look like for you?
My life has changed for the better after joining Akshaya Patra. My financial condition has improved and I am able to provide for my family in a much better way. I want to achieve more in life by continuing to work hard and sincerely with Akshaya Patra.

What motivates you to continue working for Akshaya Patra?
Akshaya Patra’s social cause of nourishing children with nutritious food and its systematic and effective approach to eliminating hunger motivates me to work with Akshaya Patra.

Well, behind every great show, there are behind-the-scenes contributors. And, at Akshaya Patra, those contributors are our very own kitchen staff. Watch out this space to meet our passionate members from Gujarat! We would love to hear from you, so please use the below comment section to share your thoughts and feedbacks.

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