


Akshaya Patra feeds in times of distress

ngo works – disaster works

‘Natural disasters may destroy great cities…’
Every year, states and cities of India experience natural disasters. And this time of the year, it is Uttarakhand and the cities of Tamil Nadu that suffered during the floods. It is a pitiable sight to see the plight of families affected by the wrath of nature. It has caused loss of lives, property damage and injuries to many people. To provide flood relief to victims who suffer without food and shelter. The governments of the respective states are doing their best to assist such families and individuals. Many individuals were evacuated from the flooded areas to relief centres run by certain groups or NGOs.

Help from NGOs in India
To ensure that flood relief reaches every individual in need, non-profit organisations took it upon themselves to feed and protect them. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that has partnered with the Central Government, State Governments and District Authorities to provide food relief to flood victims.

Akshaya Patra’s flood relief in Chennai in 2021
Chennai – the manufacturing capital of India came to a standstill in one single night. Cars were submerged underwater, trees were uprooted and the city came to a standstill. Food relief centres and medical camps were opened up in various places. The Greater Chennai Corporation asked NGOs and corporate entities to take part in relief work. One such NGO that fed flood victims of Chennai was Akshaya Patra. Those in need in Puducherry and the surrounding districts received cooked meals and grocery kits. Apart from this, the NGO in India also supplied 10 tonnes of rice.

Akshaya Patra’s flood relief in Uttarakhand in 2021
Uttarakhand suffers from natural calamities like landslides, torrential rains, flash floods, etc. The erratic weather conditions make way for insecurity and adverse effects. Many people are left homeless, have lost livelihoods, and suffer huge losses. They have so much to think of – how they will rebuild their lives, how they will take care of their family, etc. The first thing on their mind is how do they survive?

The Akshaya Patra Foundation’s Gadarpur kitchen is currently cooking meals to support people who suffer in and around the surrounding areas of Rudrapur. Working in association with the Government of Uttarakhand, freshly cooked meals (khichdi/rice and dal) are provided to people in distress.

As the need to feed people in distress increases, Akshaya Patra continues to serve freshly cooked meals and kits to provide food assistance. Though the core service of this NGO in India is to serve mid-day meals to school children, it does not back off from cooking for disaster-struck victims of the country. It has earned the distinction of being the world’s largest NGO run school lunch programme, serving freshly cooked nutritious mid-day meals to over 1.8 million children in 19,039 schools of 13 states & 1 union territory of India.

Join hands with Akshaya Patra; donate online and support to help nutritious meals reach people in need.

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Anganwadi feeding – a boon for early childhood development

anganwadi feeding

Adequate nutrition is vital for growth and development in children, especially during the early years of life. An NGO in India, dedicated to providing nutritious mid-day meals to children across the country, Akshaya Patra also provides nutritious meals in Anganwadi centres. At present, the NGO serves 1,39,272 beneficiaries in 6,251 centres across 10 locations of four states.

Anganwadis are care centres for children aged 0 to 6 years old, pregnant women, and lactating mothers belonging to socio-economically challenging backgrounds. These centres are a part of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme. Anganwadis implement the health, nutrition, and early education programmes of ICDS. Focussing on nutrition, Anganwadis provide support to improve the nutritional status and health of children aged 6 years and below. It also works towards educating mothers about nutrition and health thereby enabling them to provide better care for their children. Along with caring for children, Anganwadi centres also provide healthcare and nutritional support to pregnant women and lactating mothers.

In an endeavour to support the efforts of Anganwadi centres, the 21-year-old NGO in India, The Akshaya Patra Foundation stepped in to provide nutritious meals to the beneficiaries of these centres. Akshaya Patra is one of the most reputed mid-day meal NGOs in the country with a beneficiary base of 18,00,907 children in 19,039 government schools and government-aided schools located across 13 States and 1 Union Territory. Having been a provider of mid-day meals to children, Akshaya Patra is well-aware of the significance of adequate nutrition in growth and development of children. Hence, by initiating the Anganwadi Programme, the NGO aimed to feed the children and women in Anganwadi centres with nutritious meals daily.

Significance of Anganwadi Feeding Programme
Nutrition is of utmost importance during the initial years of children. It directly impacts overall health and growth in children along with supporting attainment of developmental milestones during the first six years of life. To ensure the beneficiaries receive the required quantity of nutrients every day, Akshaya Patra follows a cyclic and locally palatable Anganwadi food menu. This results in inclusion of a variety of nutritious food items, taste, and ready consumption of the served meals by the beneficiaries as well as prevents monotony.

The Anganwadi Programme is a great boon to children.

  • It provides adequate nutrition.
  • It supports age-appropriate physical growth and cognitive development.
  • It supports health and increases immunity.
  • It addresses malnutrition and related health concerns.
  • It reduces mortality and morbidity rates.

Impact so far
Currently, 1,39,272 beneficiaries in 6,251 Anganwadi centres are benefitting from Akshaya Patra’s freshly prepared, nutritious Anganwadi food menu. Of these, 1,35,612 are children in the age group of 3-6 years in 5,928 Anganwadi centres across 10 locations of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana; and 3,660 are pregnant women and lactating mothers across 323 centres in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

As an NGO in India, Akshaya Patra is continuously striving to expand its programme to feed the children and women in more Anganwadi centres across the country.

Your support is essential
Anganwadi Programme is a crucial intervention to make sure each child receives a healthy start in life. Contribute generously to feed the children and women during the most crucial years of their lives. Your support will indeed make a big difference.

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Food and Education

Mid-day meals give dreams to fly high


As children, we all dream of studying in top universities and working towards our goals of becoming well-known personalities in different fields. However, as we grow up, we realise that studying in top schools and colleges is expensive. Our parents arrange for the fees to ensure that we get the right education to support our dreams.

But have you thought about what would happen if your parents can’t arrange your school fees?

Many people want their children to achieve their dreams but cannot support them due to financial difficulties. People from the below poverty line, marginalized communities and low-income sections can hardly make their ends meet; getting an education for their child is out of the question. To help such families, the Government of India took upon addressing two major issues – education and hunger. The Supreme Court of India mandated the midday meal programme (called madhyaan bhojan yojana in Hindi) for primary and upper primary children. This scheme was designed to better the nutritional status of school-going children. Which meant that mid-day meals would act as an incentive to help children get educated.

As per the midday meal programme, every child will receive free lunch every school day. The nutritional guidelines for different age groups were given by the Supreme Court, where every child will receive a minimum of 300 calories and 8-12 grams of protein on each day of school for a minimum of 200 days.

To implement this programme on a large scale, many NGOs in India joined hands with the Central and State Governments. Some NGOs cater to primary students while others feed upper primary students and the rest serve high school students.

Service of Akshaya Patra – an NGO in India
The Akshaya Patra Foundation worked in tandem with the Government of India to implement the midday meal programme on a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model. With firm support from the Government of India, the State Governments and associated organisations, this NGO in India began feeding school meals to 1,500 children in five schools of Bengaluru. Today, it has the distinction of being the world’s largest NGO run school lunch programme, serving freshly cooked nutritious mid-day meals to over 1.8 million children in 19,039 schools of 13 states & 1 union territory.

Out of these 1.8 million beneficiaries is one young boy from Odisha, named Sachin.

He is one beneficiary who has benefitted from Akshaya Patra’s wholesome meals. He was a frail-looking boy and underweight. He would always stay aloof in school while his friends and classmates enjoyed playing outdoor games like kabaddi, kho-kho, running race, etc. He did not have the energy to play; would huff and puff even after playing for five minutes and would have to rest to catch his breath.

Teachers remember the first week of his school when he would never concentrate in class, never participate in classroom activities and would often complain of unbearable stomach cramps which would eventually lead to being sent back home. After knowing about his daily activities, it was understood that he was malnourished and would come to school every day without eating anything.

Teachers spent more time with him, they took interest in what he eats and how much. After constant efforts from everyone in school, he is a healthy child today. He is an active participant in class and fares well in his academics too.
Care and concern of teachers, Akshaya Patra’s mid-day meals and online donations from generous donors who ensured that he gets nutritious meals for one year every day, has made him what he is today. He is very optimistic about following his dreams of becoming a pilot.

Support for people who want to bring a change in the lives of children has kept Akshaya Patra going for 21 years now. As the NGO restarts implementing the Mid-Day Meal Programme, many more children like Sachin look for a hope source, to achieve their dreams; dreams of studying in top universities and making a name for themselves. Let’s continue making a difference to dreams of a better life.

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Conquering COVID crisis in Schools with HAPPINESS KITS

happiness kits programme

“If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger”, is a highly motivating quote by American Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Food is a dream for some children, without nutrition we cannot imagine education. And this is the inspiring motto of The Akshaya Patra Foundation. Since the last 20 years the members of this NGO have been working in conquering hunger for a better education and life with their constant inspiring efforts. The winner of The BBC’s ‘Global Food Champion Award 2019’ also the ‘International Achievers Award 2021 for NGO of the Year’ by the Blueberry Intn’l Group and NG Eduwizer Pvt. Ltd and many more, has constantly acknowledged their heartiest efforts for health and education, Mid-Day Meals, continuous relief initiatives for the society.

In this tough times of COVID Pandemic, Education has faced a sudden challenge. Schools are not operating in usual routine. Digital Classes are now new normal. It has paused the Mid-day Meals benefit. But the Akshaya Patra Foundation has conquered COVID through a beautiful boon in the form of “Happiness Kits” that happily serves a child Nutrition, Immunity, Hygiene, and Education.

We are waiting for things to get normal but till then the Akshaya Patra Foundation has promised to serve the mid-day meal beneficiaries : health, happiness, education through the HAPPINESS KITS. The content items in the box are:
. It contains Nutritious Glucose Biscuit Packs, Ragi flour, Double fortified Salt, Bengal Grams, Peanuts, Jaggery .
. For immunity it has Sambar Powder and Turmeric Powder.
. This kit has also taken care of Hygiene by providing soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, and sanitary napkins for girls.
. To continue the routine of Education in this challenging times this kit has got Notebooks, Pencils, Crayons, Activity Workbooks.

I feel so happy to see this idea of serving Glucose, Iron, Calcium, Iodine, Protein, Immunity products with Study materials all in one box of care and love. The objective is to take care of the well being of children in this tough times of covid crisis. This task is done in a phase –wise manner in various cities. Various news articles, social media posts, are regularly publishing the updates on the distribution of these boxes of Happiness Kits nationwide.

Anyone who wish to take this opportunity can donate online. Many Corporates, Startups, Organizations, Individuals have served this joy of happiness kits with the Akshaya Patra Team. We all can take this opportunity of serving Happiness Kits at just Rs.550 per kit. Please follow this link to serve joy and make a child happy:

Let us come together as much as we can, and surely it will indeed be a ray of hope in this crisis for children who are missing the classrooms and mid-day meals. Thanks to the Akshaya Patra NGO Team for their continuous loving efforts towards Nutrition, Education, and a better life !

Article submitted by : Ms. SURABITA ROY

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Unlock Begins – Support to reform lives

covid19 pandemic

During the last 15 months, every aspect of our normal lives has changed. From how we shop, how we celebrate birthdays/anniversaries, how we conduct rituals to almost everything we do, our lives have seen a significant transformation.

India is embracing the guidelines of the new normal. Most of us are wondering what to do next and how to stay safe after the COVID-19 pandemic unlock, should remain indoors at all times or is it ok to give ourselves the liberty of socialising?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. However, we need to evaluate the consequences and choose what is the best decision to keep ourselves, our loved ones and the people around us safe. Everyone is facing one challenge or another; some scout for oxygen capacitors while others hunt for food. Daily-wage workers, labourers and migrants who rely on their wages and salaries may need some time to find suitable jobs for themselves.

For people who find it difficult to arrange for food, there are many NGOs working to make it available to them. As a part of their COVID relief service, these organisations either provide food or grocery kits to people in need.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one such NGO in India that takes care of food requirements of marginalised communities and vulnerable sections of society. Since day one of the pandemic-inflicted nationwide lockdown, the organisation has been serving meals to people in need. Its COVID relief service started on 25th March 2020 and continues till date as there is a need to satiate hunger. As of 30th May 2021, a total of 136 million (13.6-crore) meals have been served in the form of cooked meals, grocery kits and happiness kits. People from various backgrounds have been benefitted from its service, including cleaners, migrants, housewives, children, pilgrims, factory workers, etc.

Click on the names below to read their stories.


covid19 pandemic






Keshav Hari Gosai

Keshav Hari Gosai







covid19 pandemic






Shyam Khushwah







Shaheen Mohammad

Shaheen Mohammad













Small businesses, artisan communities, and self-employed people have been the worst hit. With no job or money, they are unable to feed their stomach and their families. You can rescue them from being hit by hunger in this crisis. Donate online to support frontline workers, marginalised families, single parents, homeless mothers, aged people and others who are in dire need of food assistance. Support Akshaya Patra and help these people get back to their old lives as the unlocking phase begins.

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Donate to Nourish Children & Save tax

Save Tax

Each person’s reason for giving to charity might be different. People’s decision to make a donation to an NGO can be driven by altruism and social impact, social responsibility, personal connection, awareness and advocacy, religious or cultural values, tax exemptions and more.

In a bid to incentivise charitable giving, governments often make provisions in taxation laws. In India, for instance, Section 80G of the Income Tax (IT) Act makes a donation above ₹500 to a registered charitable organisation eligible for tax exemption.

What is Section 80G?

In a clear indication of the government’s support to philanthropic efforts, Section 80G of the Income Tax Act allows individuals to deduct charitable contributions from their taxable income. Taxpayers should be aware, nevertheless, that not all nonprofits or charitable organisations are eligible to offer donors a Section 80G deduction.

A taxpayer, whether an individual, corporation or partnership, may deduct contributions made to registered non-profit organisations and relief funds under Section 80G from taxable income. Depending on the organisation’s registration, donations may be subject to Section 80G taxation at 100 per cent or 50 per cent with or without restrictions.

Triple Win: Feed Children. Earn Goodwill. Save Tax.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO in India, feeds hot and wholesome meals to children in government schools. Akshaya Patra is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, which exempts donations over ₹500 from one’s taxable income. This is particularly beneficial because tax payers can save money by contributing to the NGO, which in turn serves as an ambassador of hope and dreams while also nourishing and educating young minds throughout India.

Not only does Akshaya Patra offer mid-day meals, but it has also consistently taken the initiative to undertake food assistance as a part of the humanitarian relief. Whether it was flood, cyclone, or earthquake, as a responsible NGO, the Foundation has always worked diligently within the country and abroad to provide relief to people in the aftermath of a disaster.

Sakshi lives with her mother, father, brother and grandmother. After she reaches home from school, she helps her mother with chores. She then watches dance shows, studies for a while and completes her homework from school and coaching classes.

“My father is a farmer. My grandmother also works in the field. We grow wheat, rice, spinach and coriander. I help them out when I get time. I pluck the spinach and get the bundles on my bicycle. Then I wash them. My mother has a shop to sell daily-use items for women. I go there to help her out. Then I return home and wash the dishes etc.,” says the 13-year-old.

Sakshi gets mid-day meals at school that help her be on her toes. “I get dal chawal, subzi roti, khichdi kheer etc. However, I like subzi roti more than the others. Our teacher told us that we get these meals from Akshaya Patra,” she says. Sakshi had the opportunity to visit Akshaya Patra kitchen with her father. “My father and I saw how the rotis and subzi are made in big machines. He was impressed by the scale at which the food is prepared. On the days I get my favourite mid-day meal, I am so happy that I come home and tell my mother about it!” she laughs.

When you contribute Akshaya Patra, you are eligible for a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G since The Foundation is enlisted under Section 12A(a) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Donate online and get tax exemption today!

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Nutrition On Your Plate – Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

sanjeev kapoor

Author: Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

Millennials and Gen Z are driving societal changes whether it is creating awareness about the environment, philanthropy, or just healthy eating. But hold it. Are these young adults familiar about hunger as the latest raging and real issue at hand? Many youngsters I personally interact with, are blissfully unaware of the ‘hunger epidemic’ and the ‘hidden hunger syndrome’. Without spouting too much of statistics, let me give you the bigger picture. From a Global Hunger Index (2019) standpoint, India has been slipping up in ranking year- on- year to reach a low of being ranked 102 from among 117 countries in 2019. This literally means that more Indians go to sleep hungry, adding to the alarming situation arising due to the pandemic.

Having been associated with Akshaya Patra for many years, I must admit, that I am no stranger to the concept of ‘hidden hunger’. I have first-hand knowledge about hunger amongst India’s large populace. With COVID-19 taking over all our lives and especially underprivileged people, the dual challenges of hunger and malnutrition have really opened up another Pandora’s box. With schools shut down, millions of children who depended on mid-day meals as the only source of a nutritious meal for the day, have been facing starvation. So, what does it mean for us as a country? Are we to continue ignoring our poor citizens of a healthy childhood and later adulthood?

My own experience with caring for others has been soul satisfying. My endeavours at connecting with the disadvantaged have taught me many life lessons.

Nutritious food is a security blanket for all children who make up this country’s future generation. Allow me to cut the chase and come to the point. In India, September is being observed as a National Month of Nutrition. (Rashtriya Poshan Maah)*. In view of this, Akshaya Patra Foundation has launched the ‘Happiness Bags Programme’*. This is an initiative for the Foundation’s mid-day meal beneficiary students, who will receive a Happiness Bag with dry groceries and education supplies to help meet their nutritional needs and cover the educational gap that these students are currently facing. The Happiness Bag humbly priced at ₹550 provides nutrition, immunity, health, hygiene as well as educational materials to disadvantaged families. The nutritional value of the food contents in this bag comprise of protein, iron, iodine, and glucose-rich foods and the bag also includes an activity book to engage the student.

Being observed on September 5th, International Day of Charity is around the corner, and the day is of special relevance this year. Having seen so much of disruption all around, perhaps every individual can take a small step, more so the young folks. So, all young Indians reading this blog, make a difference and contribute towards ‘Nutrition on Someone’s Plate’ by sponsoring one ‘Happiness Bag’ this month and make someone very happy 😊.


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Let’s Pledge to Donate Happiness Bags for Children

donate happiness bags

Every day of school is synonymous with fun, friends and free unlimited food for children. They looked forward to coming to school because they get to meet their friends, narrate experiences of the previous day and sit together to eat their mid-day meals. With the on-going chaos caused by the COVID pandemic, schools, colleges and offices are shut down indefinitely. Children who were dependent on one source of wholesome meal a day were left without a wholesome source of nutrition to fight the virus.

Earlier during school, the sound of the delivery van brought on a 1000-watt smile on the faces of children. But, with schools closed down for a while, the delivery vans are left in their memories of children till schools reopen. If it was not for the COVID pandemic, children would have begun a new academic year and The Akshaya Patra Foundation would have continued implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme to feed children.

How did Akshaya Patra tackle this situation?
The COVID-19 virus could not stop The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO in India that was synonymous with feeding school meals. In continuation of up-keeping the health of children and to engage them with school-related learning activities amid the pandemic, the Foundation started distributing Happiness Bags to its beneficiaries in Bengaluru, as a part of its feeding programme.

How would Happiness Bags help?

Each Box distributed to its beneficiaries:
• Ensures children continue to receive wholesome meals in the prevailing crisis.
• Boosts immunity and health of children.
• Ensures that basic hygiene requirements are addressed.
• Engages children in activities that support their continuous learning amid the lockdown.

Every Happiness Box supports the well-being of children by providing them with immunity, adequate nutrition, hygiene kit and learning materials.
Nutrition – Adequate and right nutrition helps in giving children the energy required for proper physical and cognitive development.
Immunity – Turmeric is known to boost immunity. Immunity boosters like sambar and turmeric powders help in improving resistance to diseases.
Hygiene – Basic hygiene products like toothpaste, toothbrush and soap are provided to the beneficiaries. For girl children, a pack of sanitary napkins is provided as well.
Education – To keep their minds active during the lockdown, an activity book, pencils or pens, crayon or colouring set and Classmate notebooks are packed in the box distributed to every child.

By supporting their food and education, we at Akshaya Patra look forward to bringing out the best in children because they are the ones who decide the future of our nation. This is why this initiative is of utmost importance. We are present in 52 locations spread across 12 States and 2 Union Territories of India. The pandemic has given us a strong reason to reach out to all the children we would have reached otherwise. Children hailing from challenging socio-economic backgrounds require your support. Pledge to feed a child with Akshaya Patra’s Happiness Box initiative. Every little child has the right to food and education, even amid the crisis hour. All we need to do is give the right resources to strengthen them and their cognitive abilities.

Provide Happiness Bags to help children become physically stronger and intellectually sharper

akshaya tritiya


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Feeding the Children is Feeding the Future – Stories of Children

stories of children

Healthy children grow into healthy adults
How can we ensure good health for children?

Good health comes from consuming healthy food
Since they are the adults of tomorrow, it is imperative that we feed the children so that they get the required nutrition which ensures their holistic development.

Around 40% of children in India are undernourished

Various NGOs like The Akshaya Patra Foundation are working towards reversing these numbers. By implementing the Central Government’s Mid-Day Meal Scheme, it feeds nutritious meals to children belonging to challenging socio-economic backgrounds. It works towards two causes simultaneously – food and education. It feeds unlimited food for education to 18,00,907 children studying in 19,039 Government schools and Government-aided schools. The Foundation feeds in 52 different locations spread across 12 States and 2 Union Territories of India.

To know about locations in which Akshaya Patra implements the Mid-Day Meal Programme, click here.

Children are the foundation on which lies the progress of the nation. Akshaya Patra feeds healthy meals that take care of the nutritional requirements stated by the Central Government of India for providing mid-day meals to school children.

Locally palatable meals are served to children in a cyclical order to avoid wastage of food. This means that each state prepares meals that are region-specific. For example, roti and aloo matar is served in Haryana, while bisibele bhath is served in Karnataka and pulisu curry is served in Andhra Pradesh. This initiative ensures that children also relish their food.

Here are a few stories of children who enjoy eating meals prepared by Akshaya Patra:

Mitali from Gujarat dreams of becoming a Designer

stories of childrenMitali and her little sister live with her mother who stitches mattress covers. She aims to be a mattress designer and says, “I feel that by being a designer of mattresses, I would create and sell dreams.” She never misses Akshaya Patra’s meals because they are very tasty. It is very much needed for us when her mother has to leave home early in search of work.

Megha wants to become a nutritionist when she grows up

stories of childrenMegha was prone to falling sick very often in her childhood. Knowing the importance of healthy and nutritious meals early in her life, she says, “Even though we go to school empty stomach, we come back home with tummy-filled happiness as Akshaya Patra serves unlimited tasty meals.”

Tanaya from Odisha wants to become an architect

stories of childrenA 6th standard student studying in Odisha wants to give shape to the blueprints of dream homes of people. She has been Akshaya Patra’s beneficiary for six years and says she loves “the food, especially the soya bean curry. It is my favourite and I like to have it with rice.” The food delights her every day that it reaches on time daily excites her.

To read more such stories of children, click here.

The hope that meals bring in children’s lives is worth a read. Your online donations have the capacity to help children realise that they can dream and achieve them too. Meals are a medium to bring them one step closer to reality, support the feeding of children by joining Akshaya Patra.

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Donate to Akshaya Patra’s COVID relief services on World Hunger day

world hunger day

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that not only provides mid-day meals to school children but also provides cooked meals and essential kits during the Corona pandemic. As a part of its COVID-19 relief services, it has served a total of 5 crore meals to lower-income sections of the society. With your donations towards Akshaya Patra, you help your fellow citizens during the Lockdown period.

Good nutrition, adequate and balance diet is the epitome of good health. These are the founding stones of a strong and healthy immune system. Boosting immunity during this hour of COVID-19 pandemic is what reaps bountiful benefits.

Millions of people around the world are abiding to the ‘social distancing’ and ‘staying safe at home’ norms laid down by the Government of India during the lockdown. Due to the increasing number of people being tested positive for COVID-19, the lockdown that aims to reduce the rapid spread of the disease, seems very far from being lifted. There are millions of people who are unable to go back to their homeland and are stuck at various places. Along with these people, there are others who are not able to access basic resources that are essential for survival; as they rely on daily wages.

The pandemic threatens the ‘at-risk’ population including children, new-borns and the elderly as well. With no catering services to feed them and schools not functioning during the pandemic, they do not get the adequate amount of food that they would otherwise have access to. To help them fight the threat of hunger lurking during the pandemic, many Non-Government Organisations have come forward to provide support. As per The Economic Times, according to the World Food Programme analysis, 130 million people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020, due to COVID-19.

Going by those number, hunger would kill more number of people than COVID-19. The Akshaya Patra Foundation stepped in to address this problem and started its COVID-19 relief services on 25th March 2020. Working in close coordination with Government of India, State Governments & District Administration, along with receiving ample support in the form of COVID-19 donations from individual donors, corporate donors and the help of thousands of volunteers, it provides food relief to the needy people. It feeds the marginalised and low-income sections of the society that comprises of daily wage workers, construction site workers, migrant labourers and needy people at old age homes and night shelters. The Foundation is serving cooked meals and distributing dry essential kits to the needy on a daily basis during the lockdown period. Till date, Akshaya Patra has served a cumulative of 5 crore meals in the states of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Telangana, Gujarat, Maharashtra, NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Tripura, West Bengal and Punjab.

This World Hunger Day, be a part of Akshaya Patra’s COVID-19 Relief Services. Donate to feed the marginalized sections of the society.

coronavirus prevention

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