Food and Education

Educate and inspire this International Literacy Day


Children’s dreams know no bounds. Some aspire to be astronauts or pilots, others envision becoming doctors or movie stars. Regardless of race, caste or economic background, all children in their heart of hearts dream of achieving something great. Sadly not enough children in developing countries receive the opportunity to actually make their dreams come true.

At The Akshaya Patra Foundation we work tirelessly to ensure that children are given the support they need to be able to attend school and achieve their goals. By addressing their need for food, Akshaya Patra also helps address their need for education. Through this programme we at the organisation have seen children blossom before our eyes, and revelled in the enthusiasm of young athletes, police officers, doctors, teachers, actors and much more.

This International Literacy Day we appeal to you to join with us so that you can be a part of these magical journeys too. Support a child’s meals for a year or more, and keep a child in school. Remember every child you help educate is another dream coming true.

The author arjun

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