The lush green hill district and one of the main tourist attractions of Karnataka, Kodagu, popularly referred to as Coorg, is in a devastating state this monsoon. The merciless rains and unprecedented landslides have wreaked havoc in the entire district claiming lives and livelihoods, destroying homes and civic amenities, swallowing villages, rendering thousands of residents homeless, and altering the landscape with newly formed meandering courses of rivers and streams.
As rescue and relief services are pouring in to help the affected people, The Akshaya Patra Foundation has also stepped in actively in the relief work by providing cooked meals to affected people in Coorg.
More images from the scene: Flood Relief Effort in Coorg
Location of relief work: Kushalnagar, Madikeri
Relief workers: A team of Akshaya Patra employees are actively involved in providing food to the people.
Period of relief work: Akshaya Patra began serving cooked meals from Monday afternoon i.e. 20 August 2018
Meals served: From two make shift kitchens in Kushalnagar and Madikeri, Akshaya Patra is serving the meals on a daily basis to the affected people inclusive of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Type of meals served: Dishes like upma, puliyogere, pulao, and rice and sambar are being served in the affected district.
Delivery of meals: The Akshaya Patra’s team with the help of distribution vehicles are delivering meals to the affected people of Coorg.
Status of the relief work: On-going
Read about: Akshaya Patra’s relief effort in Kerala
There is no donation link for Coorg. There is a donation link for Kerala. I contributed to Kerala via other means. I want to donate to Coorg. Kindly provide a link to donate to Coorg as i believe in your organization
My uncle Mr R Anand would like to donate to the relief work carried out by Akshay Patra in Kodagu. So please let me know how he can donate online towards Kodagu relief.. Thank you
Thank you for coming forward to support the relief work. As relief operation is over in the location, we no longer receiving the donations.
Thank you Kiran for the support, but we are no longer receiving the donations.