
Akshaya Patra expresses its gratitude to bring about the vast change

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Akshaya Patra started its journey of feeding school children with 1500 children.  It is said that a tree of good intention is fast laden with fruits. Though beginning with a humble number, we have been able to achieve vast extension of our reach. We are feeding 1.3 million children in 19 locations spread across 9 states.  Akshaya Patra is not only removing hunger but promoting education and taking the children to the path of happiness and growth.

The one wholesome, hot nutritious meal served had miraculous impact.

Impact study done by A.C Nielson on Akshaya Patra’s work came out with the following results-

• Increase in school attendance

• Socialisation among children

• Empowerment of local women

• Improvement in nutritional status

• Increase in enrolment by 28%

• Decrease in drop-out rate by 8%

Akshaya-Patra-ngo-in-india-beneficariesWe were able to reach all these milestones with the help received from Government, individual donors and corporates. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a unique Public Private Partnership (PPP) where the Government is a major stakeholder. The Government of India, along with various State Governments, provides subsidies in the form of cash and grain grants.

At the same time generous donations from individuals, corporate and public sector units have also played an important role in providing a nutritious, balanced meal for the children. Our donors had been substantial to sustain and expand our program. We express our gratitude to them. We could not have achieved it without their support

We have been able to feed 1.3 million children, but we have long way to go to fulfil our mission of feeding 5 million children by 2020. For this we need to expand and increase the number of kitchen at the same time we need funds for incurring the running cost of our existing kitchen. We expect you to support us with the same zeal to expand the horizon of our reach to hungry children.

You have been the cause of bringing smiles to 1.3 million faces; we seek your support to spread it to 5 million.

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