Hamsa Guest blog

Kashni Tiwary, a student of 11th standard from Jayshree Periwal International School in Jaipur, won the recently held writing competition organised in celebration of National Education Day for the Future Shapers Initiative by The Akshaya Patra Foundation. Her poem draws inspiration from Hamsa’s story, a student served by Akshaya Patra.

Read her heartfelt poem here:

In the depths of her darkest days,
Hamsa’s spirit never waned.
Lying on her bed of thorns,
in her heart, hope remained.

A daily battle against hunger,
a fight to find her way.
To a school that held her dreams,
where the Sun’s first rays would sway.

Her mattress, a cruel adversary,
her stomach often empty and sore.
But determination in her eyes,
she yearned to learn, to explore.

With strength much beyond her years,
she rose, resolved to shine.
To conquer the world’s challenges,
to make her future divine.

Then, a fateful encounter,
her aunt’s compassion found.
Led her to a doctor’s care,
where her healing journey began.

Malnourished, frail,
but not defeated, she would mend.
With nutrition’s grace,
her life’s path would ascend.

Today, Hamsa, a beacon of resilience and grace,
stands tall with dreams unfurled in her radiant face.
In her heart, she’s grateful for the meals at school,
For they transformed her life, made her strong and fuelled her soul.

She dreams of being a guardian,
a protector of the weak.
Inspired by a memory,
she’ll always hold dear and speak.

Her spirit, unbroken,
her ambitions take flight.
Hamsa, a symbol of hope,
a beacon of light.

So, let us learn from Hamsa’s journey,
her unwavering will.
To overcome the trials,
to seek knowledge, fulfil.

In the face of adversity,
her story is a guide,
A reminder that within us all,
strength and dreams reside.

Tags : The Akshaya Patra Foundation

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