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Register now for Click a Smile 2014


Click a Smile, our annual international photography competition, is back! Better and bolder than before, we’re just raring to kick start our month long competition. So whether you are a professional or an amateur photographer, but you have passion and soul in your images, then you need to take part in our contest!

So here’s what you need to know about Click a Smile 2014:

  • You need to take a photograph of a smiling child (or children), from anywhere in the world, and send it in to us
  • The photographs will be judged by an exclusive panel of judges and the top three will be selected
  • The winners will receive a trophy, certificate and surprise gift from Akshaya Patra!
  • Competition dates: 20th November to 22nd December, 2014!

Click a Smile celebrates the innocence and joy of youth that can be seen in the smile of a child. This is our effort to celebrate children, and the need to make their formative years as secure and joyous as possible. After all, childhood is the best time of a person’s life.

Last year Click a Smile brought in over 700 entries from across 7 countries! This year we know we can beat that and raise the bar even higher. So log onto the Click a Smile 2014 website for more details, and register now!

The author arjun

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