

Food and Education

Help free India from Classroom Hunger!

In developing countries like India, one in six children is underweight while 66 million primary school age children attend class every day on an empty stomach. Our children are the future of our country, and it's time we fight for their independence – their independence from hunger and illiteracy. Food and education are two of
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Discussion Room

Making sense of undernutrition

None of us in India are a stranger to hunger. Living in a country which houses a quarter of all undernourished people across the world, we frequently see the pinched, gaunt faces of hungry men,
Engage With Us

Jayati’s journey with Akshaya Patra

Welcome to my summer project blog. I'm Jayati Sharma, a twelfth grader at Basis Scottsdale, a high school in the U.S. After having organised a benefit concert for the organisation, I'm conducting a research project
me and you
Engage With Us

Me & You Campaign: Helping children help children

One child can have a huge impact on another child's life with just a simple donation. Encouraging a child to do something outside the realms of academia in support of another child helps foster a sense of compassion and shapes a grateful attitude towards society. This is what makes the Me & You campaign organised
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Engage With Us

What #IfHashtagsCouldFeed?

On their own they can't. As part of our yearlong #Project750 campaign, we have launched #IfHashtagsCouldFeed, a six month online initiative to inspire people to actively contribute towards ending classroom hunger in India. Conceptualised to
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