

Food and Education

Share in the joy of giving

Joy of Giving Week (currently called Daan Utsav), is celebrated in India between 2nd and 8th October every year. As India's largest philanthropic event the Joy of Giving Week is a crucial time when all Indians contribute in any way they like to the less privileged members of society, whether monetarily, or in terms of time
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Food and Education

A Moveable Feast across Gujarat Schools

Jagranjan Mishra, General Manager (Operations) at the Foundation's Ahmedabad kitchen | Dinesh Shukla The sun is barely up but Akshaya Patra's kitchen at Ahmedabad is bustling with activity. "With a capacity to produce 200,000 meals

It’s Teacher’s Day all this month

To commemorate Teacher's Day, The Akshaya Patra Foundation organised a special event. The programme which began on 06 September, 2014 is running for four Saturdays at different venues across Bangalore. Children from four schools have come together
Engage With Us

CSR: A commitment to a cause

When it comes to supporting worthy causes, corporates especially play a central role in helping NGOs and other philanthropic organisations achieve their goals. Corporate Social Responsibility is not just about donations made by a company towards a charity. Rather it signifies the commitment of the organisation to work towards the betterment of society, while adopting
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