

Food and Education

Celebrating 10 years at the Baran kitchen!

Akshaya Patra's Baran kitchen completes one decade on 25th April, and looking back we see a 10 year legacy of fulfilment, joy and transformed lives. The Baran kitchen was conceptualised in 2005, when a survey was taken in the district that revealed a large presence of poor and malnourished children. Born to low-income nomadic tribal
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Discussion Room

Small steps to save earth

To quote Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility." Mankind is on the pinnacle of advancement, with breakthroughs in science and technology happening every day. These developments have given us power, but we have a
Food and Education

Spread joy on Akshaya Tritiya

Today is an auspicious day to start new ventures, and make new beginnings. It's Akshaya Tritiya, the Holy Day which is believed to be the birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
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Cooking up a storm

Over 60 recipes in just 48 hours. That was the result of 'Cookathon for Karnataka – Improving Nutrition in Mid-Day Meals', an initiative by Ashoka India, Akshaya Patra and Something's Cooking, held from 10th to
Food and Education

Going above and beyond for food safety

7th of April is World Health Day, established to commemorate the founding of the WHO (World Health Organisation) in 1948. The theme for World Health Day 2015 is 'Food Safety: from farm to plate, make food safe' (#safefood), a topic very close to our heart here at Akshaya Patra. According to the WHO an estimated
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Food and Education

Best of luck, dear beneficiaries!

It's that time of the year again. Final exams are underway and children across the country are frantically studying to move on to the next class. This is a hugely important time for children, especially
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