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Ever heard about a world-changing idea that you wanted to support, but didn’t know how to? Thanks to websites such as GlobalGiving, it is easier than ever now!

An open, transparent marketplace, GlobalGiving is a platform that connects ideas and solutions that change the world with people who want to support such initiatives. Offering donors a simple, efficient, and accountable way to give, GlobalGiving helps projects across the world.

Recently we at Akshaya Patra, registered ourselves on this platform. It gives us the opportunity to introduce our cause to a global audience and thus enables people from across the globe to support us. However, adhering to all the mandatory requirements wasn’t enough. To be considered as an eligible charity on this site, we need to raise $4000 from 50 donors, in a month’s time. Difficult it was, with the support of friends like you, we have crossed the amount but you can keep supporting us to win a bonus from global giving.

Therefore, we sincerely request to all friends of Askhaya Patra to help us by spreading the good word and supporting our cause. Please visit our page and donate at:…

Your contribution will play a significant role is assuring us registration and visibility on this site, which in turn will help us feed more children across India.

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